Online UUIDs Generator




A UUID, which stands for Universally Unique Identifier, is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify information in computer systems. UUIDs are commonly used in software development, databases, and other applications where unique identification is critical. By utilizing a UUID, you can prevent collisions or duplicates when creating new objects or records, ensuring that each identifier is unique across different systems and time periods. This enables better organization, data integrity, and overall system efficiency.


  • - NIL UUID:NIL UUID是一个特殊的UUID,其所有128位都设置为零。它表示为00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000。它通常用来表示“空”或“空”的UUID。
  • - UUID v1:版本 1 UUID 是使用当前时间戳和生成 UUID 的机器的 MAC 地址的组合生成的。这使得它们是唯一的,但也可能追溯到创建它们的机器和时间。
  • - UUID v3:版本3 UUID是使用命名空间和名称生成的,这两者都使用MD5哈希算法进行哈希处理。这确保了相同的命名空间和名称将始终产生相同的UUID,使它们具有确定性。
  • - UUID v4:版本4的UUID是使用随机或伪随机数生成的。这使得它们具有很高的唯一性,且不可追溯到特定的机器或时间,但它们没有任何固有的意义或结构。
  • - UUID v5:版本5的UUID与版本3类似,但使用SHA-1哈希算法而不是MD5。像版本3一样,它们是确定性的,并且对于相同的命名空间和名称将始终产生相同的UUID。



The UUID Generator is a straightforward and user-friendly web-based application that allows you to create random, secure, and unique UUIDs. This tool uses a combination of algorithms and random number generation techniques to generate a UUID, ensuring that the resulting UUID is highly unique and difficult to predict. To use the tool, simply select the version of the UUID and the quantity to generate at the top of the current page, then click the "Refresh" button. New UUIDs will be displayed for you to use in your project or application.


Yes, the tool uses a combination of algorithms and random number generation techniques to ensure that each UUID is highly unique and difficult to predict. While it is theoretically possible for UUID collisions to occur, the probability is extremely low, making it highly unlikely that two UUIDs generated by the tool will ever be the same. This high level of uniqueness and security makes the UUIDs generated by the tool suitable for use in various applications and projects.


Yes, feel free to use the UUIDs generated by the UUID Generator in all your projects, including commercial ones. This tool is designed to offer a convenient and reliable method for creating unique identifiers for various applications. Whether you are working on a personal project or developing a commercial application, the UUID Generator can help guarantee that your identifiers are both unique and secure.