Online DNS Records Lookup




DNS records are instructions stored in a database within the Domain Name System. Each record provides specific details about a domain, including its associated IP address(es), how to handle requests for the domain, and more. These records ensure that internet traffic is directed to the correct server and manage the routing of emails, the location of servers, and the verification of domain ownership.


DNS lookup is the process used to retrieve the DNS records for a domain. This process involves querying the DNS servers to find specific information about the domain, such as its IP address. There are two types of DNS lookups: forward DNS lookups, which convert domain names into IP addresses, and reverse DNS lookups, doing the opposite.

What are DNS Record Types You Can Lookup?


  • - A记录:最基本的DNS记录类型,指示域的IP地址。
  • - AAAA记录:将域名映射到IPv6地址,允许通过较新的IPv6协议访问域。
  • - MX记录:指定域的邮件交换服务器,处理电子邮件路由。
  • - CNAME记录:为别名定义规范名称,允许多个域名指向相同的IP地址。
  • - TXT记录:向域外的来源提供文本信息,通常用于验证目的。
  • - NS记录:指向对该域具有权威性的服务器。
  • - SOA记录:包含有关域的管理信息,包括主名称服务器和域管理员的电子邮件。
  • - SRV记录:指定服务器的位置(主机名和端口),以便客户端在域内找到服务提供商。
  • - CAA记录:指定哪些证书颁发机构(CAs)被允许为一个域名颁发SSL/TLS证书,通过防止未经授权的证书颁发来增强安全性。
  • - PTR记录:将IP地址映射到域名,提供反向DNS查找功能以识别与给定IP地址关联的域。


When you enter a domain name into your browser, a DNS lookup is initiated. The process starts with a query to the Recursive Resolver, which then queries the Root Nameservers. These direct the query to the TLD (Top-Level Domain) Nameservers, which, in turn, point to the domain's authoritative Nameservers. These authoritative Nameservers respond with the requested DNS record, allowing the browser to connect to the correct server using the IP address obtained.


  • - 递归解析器:接收来自客户端的查询然后查询其他 DNS 服务器以将域名解析为 IP 地址的 DNS 服务器。
  • - 根域名服务器:它们响应对根区域记录的查询,并将查询引导到适当的顶级域名(TLD)服务器。
  • - TLD(顶级域名)名称服务器:处理特定顶级域的查询,并将查询引导至相关域的适当权威名称服务器。
  • - 权威名称服务器:提供DNS查询的最终答案,包含域名的实际DNS记录,并将请求的信息返回给递归解析器。



  • - 命令行:在Windows上,您可以使用“nslookup”命令,而在macOS和Linux上,您可以使用“dig”。这些命令允许您直接查询DNS服务器,并可用于检索不同类型的DNS记录。
  • - 在线工具:您可以使用本页上的工具输入域名并查询DNS记录。