Online Base64 Converter


字符串转 Base64
编码 URL 安全
字符串的 Base64
Base64 转字符串
解码 URL 安全
待解码的 Base64 字符串



Base64 encoding is a method of converting binary data into a string of ASCII characters. This makes it suitable for transmission over channels that only support text data. Base64 encoding is commonly used for encoding email attachments, embedding images in HTML, and storing data in text-based formats such as JSON and XML. The encoding process involves dividing the input data into 6-bit blocks and representing each block with a corresponding ASCII character. This results in a string that can be safely transmitted or stored.


Base64 encoding often ends with one or two '=' characters as padding to ensure that the encoded output length is a multiple of 4. This padding is necessary because Base64 encodes every 3 bytes of binary data into 4 characters. If the input data is not a multiple of 3 bytes, padding characters are added to make up the difference. This ensures that the encoded string maintains the correct length and can be properly decoded.


The Base64 Converter is an online tool that enables you to easily encode and decode Base64 strings. To encode data, simply paste the text into the tool, and it will convert it into a Base64-encoded string. To decode a Base64 string, paste it into the input field and select the "Decode" option. The tool will then convert the Base64 string back into its original data, displaying the result as text. The Base64 Converter provides a convenient way to work with Base64-encoded data without the need for additional software or libraries.



  • - 电子邮件附件:Base64 编码允许将二进制文件作为 ASCII 文本嵌入到电子邮件消息中。这确保了与不同电子邮件客户端和服务器的兼容性。
  • - 数据URI:Base64编码的图像可以直接嵌入HTML或CSS中,减少HTTP请求的数量并提高页面加载时间。
  • - JSON和XML数据:Base64编码允许二进制数据存储在基于文本的格式中,如JSON和XML,这些格式通常用于Web服务之间的数据交换。
  • - 基本认证:Base64编码用于在HTTP头中编码用户名和密码组合以进行基本认证。
  • - 安全数据存储:Base64编码可以与加密结合使用,以安全地在基于文本的格式中存储敏感数据。



  • - 增加的大小:Base64编码会使数据大小增加约33%,导致更高的带宽使用和存储需求。
  • - 性能影响:编码和解码Base64数据可能会带来处理开销,特别是对于大文件或高流量的Web应用程序。
  • - 安全问题:Base64编码不提供加密或混淆,因此不应仅依赖它来保护敏感数据,而应采取额外的安全措施。