Free Online Signature Generator


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A Signature Maker, or online signature creator, is an online signature generator tool that allows you to create handwritten signature online and save it in image format (PNG image with transparency). We will generate a readily accessible online address for your signature, which you can save as a bookmark and use at any time. Or download it now and save it to your device. Use your digital signature to sign PDFs, Word documents, and add it as an email signature to your email application. The tool offers a variety of styles and fonts, allowing users to customize their signatures to suit their preferences. The technology ensures signature processes are more efficient, secure and legally binding in many jurisdictions, facilitating seamless transactions and document verification in both personal and professional environments.


  • Efficiency: Streamlines the signing process by eliminating the need for physical paperwork.
  • Customization: Offers a variety of signature styles and fonts, allowing for personalized signatures.
  • Convenience: Allow users to sign documents from anywhere using any device.
  • Speed: Accelerates document turnaround times, as signatures can be applied instantly.
  • Cost-effective: Reduces costs associated with printing, handling, and storing paper documents.
  • Security: The technology behind it includes encryption and authentication capabilities to protect document integrity.
  • Legally binding: Provides legally compliant signatures in many jurisdictions, enhancing the enforceability of electronic documents.
  • Accessibility: Facilitates easier document signing for people with physical disabilities who may find it difficult to sign on paper.





  • 1. 输入您的名字:在生成器中键入或绘制您的名字。这通常用作生成签名风格的基础。
  • 2. 选择风格:浏览生成器提供的可用签名风格。这些风格可以从草书到更正式或艺术风格不等。
  • 3. 自定义您的签名:如果工具提供这些选项,请调整签名的大小、颜色、背景、旋转和倾斜。确保它适合您打算签署的文件的正式性和上下文。
  • 4. 预览您的签名:查看签名的预览,确保它符合您的期望并且看起来专业。
  • 5. Save the Signature: Once satisfied, you can save the signature URL or download the signature file. The image format defaults to PNG type. You can also use our free online Image Converter to convert the image to other formats.








Our signature generator is implemented based on EdgeOne’s Image Renderer API. You only need to create a template for the signature function in advance. By setting some template variables for style and font, you can dynamically generate and render electronic signatures. You can also generate an existing signature with one click. Encrypted online URL for sharing. In just a second you will have a high-quality, downloadable, ready-to-use signature, learn about Image Renderer.