Online URL Decoder






  • - URL Encoding: URL encoding is the process of converting special characters in a URL into a specific format. This is necessary because certain characters, such as spaces or symbols, have special meanings in URLs and can cause issues if not properly encoded. URL encoding replaces these characters with a "%" followed by their hexadecimal representation. For example, a space is encoded as "%20" and a question mark is encoded as "%3F".
  • - URL Decoding: URL decoding is the reverse process of URL encoding. It involves converting the encoded characters back to their original form. This is done by replacing the "%xx" sequences with their corresponding characters. For example, "%20" is decoded as a space, and "%3F" is decoded as a question mark.





  • 1. Special Characters: URLs may contain special characters such as spaces, symbols, or non-alphanumeric characters. These characters have special meanings in URLs and can cause issues if not properly encoded. Encoding ensures that these characters are converted into a format that can be safely transmitted and interpreted by web servers and browsers.
  • 2. Data Integrity: Encoding helps maintain the integrity of data within a URL. Certain characters, such as ampersands (&) or equal signs (=), have reserved meanings in URLs and are used to separate different components or parameters. If these characters are part of the actual data being transmitted, they need to be encoded to avoid confusion or misinterpretation.
  • 3. Compatibility: URL encoding ensures compatibility across different systems and platforms. Not all systems handle special characters in the same way, and encoding provides a standardized method for representing and transmitting such characters. By encoding URLs, you can ensure that they can be properly interpreted and processed by various applications and devices.
  • 4. 安全性:URLエンコーディングは安全性の面でも役割を果たします。特殊文字が正しく処理され、URLの予期される機能を妨げないようにすることで、注入攻撃やクロスサイトスクリプティング(XSS)などの悪意のある攻撃を防ぐのに役立ちます。


  • 1. データ検索:URLにエンコードされた文字が含まれている場合、デコードして元のデータを検索する必要があります。たとえば、URLパラメータにスペースとしてエンコードされた「%20」が含まれている場合、それをデコードするとスペース文字に変換され、データを正しく解釈できます。
  • 2. データ操作:URLをデコードすると、含まれているデータを操作および変更できます。URLをデコードすることで、クエリパラメーターやパスセグメントなどの個々のコンポーネントにアクセスし、元の形式で変更することができます。
  • 3.データ解釈:URLをデコードすることは、それが表す情報を理解し解釈するのに役立ちます。エンコードされた文字には特別な意味があるか、プレースホルダーとして機能することがあり、それらをデコードすることで、正しい解釈に必要な実際の値やコンテキストが提供されます。



  • 1. Programming Languages: Most programming languages provide built-in functions or libraries to encode and decode URLs. For example, in Python, you can use the urllib.parse module's quote() function to encode a URL and unquote() function to decode a URL. In JavaScript, you can use the encodeURIComponent() function to encode a URL and the decodeURIComponent() function to decode a URL.
  • 2. Online URL Encoder/Decoder Tools: There are numerous online tools available that allow you to encode or decode URLs. These tools typically provide a text box where you can enter the URL, and they will perform the encoding or decoding operation for you. Simply search for "URL encoder/decoder" in your preferred search engine, and you will find several options to choose from.
  • 3. Browser Developer Tools: Most modern web browsers have built-in developer tools that include URL encoding and decoding functionality. You can access these tools by right-clicking on a web page, selecting "Inspect" or "Inspect Element" and navigating to the "Network" or "Console" tab. From there, you can find options to encode or decode URLs.
