Website acceleration, ideal for diverse websites like portals, e-commerce, and UGC communities, uses CDN's robust static content acceleration and distribution to enhance loading speeds across regions, ensuring a smooth browsing experience. It also reduces source server pressure during high traffic, maintaining service stability and seamless webpage access.
Download acceleration is suitable for various file downloads, such as game installation packages, mobile ROM upgrades, and application package downloads. CDN relies on massive elastic bandwidth reserves, providing burst capacity for large file downloads, ensuring stable download services, and offering a fast and smooth downloading experience for users in any region.
Audio and video acceleration, ideal for diverse on-demand platforms and applications, leverages CDN's robust acceleration and Tencent's vast experience in online video operations to ensure a seamless, uninterrupted media experience for all users, even during periods of high traffic.
Security acceleration, designed for dynamic and static content acceleration with integrated security, is ideal for industries like gaming, internet finance, e-commerce, and government portals that require both speed and high security. EdgeOne enhances CDN's acceleration, offering robust protection for stable business operations.