In this example, a .m3u8 file is rewritten to support TypeA authentication that controls access to .m3u8 files and .ts segments. You can modify the code as needed to support other authentication methods.
// The private key for TypeA authentication. Specify the key as needed and make sure that the key remains confidential to prevent leakage.
const PK = '0123456789';
// The validity period of the key for encryption and verification, in seconds.
const TTL = 60;
const KEY_NAME = 'key';
const UID = 0;
const SUFFIX_LIST = ['.m3u8', '.ts'];
addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
async function handleEvent(event) {
try {
const { request } = event;
const urlInfo = new URL(request.url);
const suffix = getSuffix(urlInfo.pathname);
// Check whether the file extension is .m3u8 or .ts.
if (!SUFFIX_LIST.includes(suffix)) {
return fetch(request);
// TypeA authentication.
const checkResult = await checkTypeA(urlInfo);
if (!checkResult.flag) {
return new Response(checkResult.message, {
status: 403,
headers: {
'X-Auth-Err': checkResult.message
// Rewrite the .m3u8 file and respond.
if (suffix === '.m3u8') {
return fetchM3u8({
querySign: {
basePath: urlInfo.pathname.substring(0, urlInfo.pathname.lastIndexOf('/')),
// Respond with .ts resources.
if (suffix === '.ts') {
return fetchTs(request);
} catch (error) {
return new Response(error.stack, { status: 544 });
return fetch(request);
async function checkTypeA(urlInfo) {
const sign = urlInfo.searchParams.get(KEY_NAME) || '';
const elements = sign.split('-');
if (elements.length !== 4) {
return {
flag: false,
message: 'Invalid Sign Format',
const [ts, rand, uid, md5hash] = elements;
if (ts === undefined || rand === undefined || uid === undefined || md5hash === undefined) {
return {
flag: false,
message: 'Invalid Sign Format',
if (!isNumber(ts)) {
return {
flag: false,
message: 'Sign Expired',
if ( > (Number(ts) + TTL) * 1000) {
return {
flag: false,
message: 'Sign Expired',
const hash = await md5([urlInfo.pathname, ts, rand, uid, PK].join('-'));
if (hash !== md5hash) {
return {
flag: false,
message: 'Verify Sign Failed',
return {
flag: true,
message: 'success',
querySign: {
async function fetchM3u8({ request, querySign }) {
let response = null;
try {
response = await fetch(request);
if (response.status !== 200) {
return response;
} catch (error) {
return new Response('', {
status: 504,
headers: { 'X-Fetch-Err': 'Invalid Origin' }
const content = await response.text();
const lines = content.split('\n');
const contentArr = await Promise.all( => rewriteLine({ line, querySign }))
return new Response(contentArr.join('\n'), response);
async function fetchTs(request) {
let response = null;
try {
response = await fetch(request);
if (response.status !== 200) {
return response;
} catch (error) {
return new Response('', {
status: 504,
headers: { 'X-Fetch-Err': 'Invalid Origin' }
return response;
async function rewriteLine({ line, querySign }) {
// Skip empty lines.
if (/^\s*$/.test(line)) {
return line;
if (line.charAt(0) === '#') {
// Process #EXT-X-MAP.
if (line.startsWith('#EXT-X-MAP')) {
const key = await createSign(querySign, line);
line = line.replace(/URI="([^"]+)"/, (matched, p1) => {
return p1 ? matched.replace(p1, `${p1}?key=${key}`) : matched;
return line;
const key = await createSign(querySign, line);
return `${line}?${KEY_NAME}=${key}`;
async function createSign(querySign, line) {
const { ts, rand, uid = 0 } = querySign;
const pathname = `${querySign.basePath}/${line}`;
const md5hash = await md5([pathname, ts, rand, uid, PK].join('-'));
const key = [ts, rand, uid, md5hash].join('-');
return key;
function getSuffix(pathname) {
const suffix = pathname.match(/\.m3u8|\.ts$/);
return suffix ? suffix[0] : null;
function isNumber(num) {
return Number.isInteger(Number(num));
function bufferToHex(arr) {
.call(arr, (x) => (x >= 16 ? x.toString(16) : '0' + x.toString(16)))
async function md5(text) {
const buffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('MD5', TextEncoder().encode(text));
return bufferToHex(new Uint8Array(buffer));
In the address bar of the browser, enter a URL that matches a trigger rule of the Edge Function to preview the effect of the sample code. Sample URL: