  • Log Service
    • Overview
    • Real-time Logs
      • Real-time Logs Overview
      • Push to Tencent Cloud CLS
      • Push to AWS S3-Compatible COS
      • Push to HTTP Server
    • Offline Logs
    • Related References
      • Field description
        • L7 Access Logs
        • L4 Proxy Logs
      • Real-Time Log Push Filter Conditions
      • Custom Log Push Fields
  • Data Analysis
    • Overview
    • Traffic Analysis
    • Cache Analysis
    • Security Analysis
      • Site Security Overview
      • Web Security Analysis
    • L4 Proxy
    • DNS Resolution
    • Related References
      • How to use filter condition
      • How to Modify Query Time Range
      • How to Export Statistical Data and Reports

Web Security Analysis


Web security analysis provides fine-grained analysis tools for security events, offering reference for you to formulate or adjust security policies. You can not only view the statistical analysis and distribution trends of recent security events in dozens of dimensions, but also further understand the specific content and detailed information of an event by viewing sample logs. Web security analysis provides multiple analysis dimensions for EdgeOne's web security features, helping you develop efficient security strategies.

Supported capabilities

In a security event, a single request may hit multiple security rules. When filtering or selecting statistical dimensions, please distinguish between the rule's disposal method and the request's disposal result.
For example: A request hits multiple rules with the disposal method set to observe, and also hits a rule with the disposal method set to intercept, resulting in the final disposal result of the request being intercepted.

1. Data time range

By adjusting the query time range, you can query the security events of a specific time period.
For the query time range supported by different version plans, please refer to the Comparison of EdgeOne Plans.

2. Add filter

Supports filtering Web security data by request features, rule ID, and other dimensions. For the filter items supported by Web security analysis, please refer to How to use filter conditions.
1. A single request may hit multiple rules, so when using rule ID filtering, the statistical details and trend distribution of other rules hit simultaneously will be displayed.
2. You can click on the feature value you want to filter in the statistical details to quickly add it to the filter.

3. Analysis dimensions

Statistical analysis: Helps you display the ranking of indicators by the selected dimension, discover abnormal access volume and abnormal access trends. For example: When you choose to display by User-Agent header dimension, you can view the distribution of accessed devices and access indicator trends, thus identifying devices with abnormal access volume and suspicious access behavior with uniform speed cycle.
Sample logs: Help you further view the details of security events and determine whether the security policy hit by the request meets expectations. For example: You can view the managed rules hit by the request and the field content matched by the managed rules through sample logs, which will help you determine whether it is a false intercept and adjust the security policy accordingly.

4. Common views

You can save the current view options as a common view for quick access later according to your needs. You can name the view, which will save the current trend display options, statistical indicators, and statistical dimension information.

5. Trend display statistical method

When adjusting the data filter time range, the data granularity will be adjusted accordingly to ensure an appropriate trend chart display.
You can adjust the trend chart display options as needed:
Data granularity: The data statistics duration corresponding to each column in the trend chart.
Aggregation method: The calculation method of the data corresponding to each column in the trend chart.
Sum: Displays the sum of all indicators of the statistical items in the selected dimension filtered data within that time period. For example: In the statistical period corresponding to a column in the trend chart, there are 6000 requests, and the column displays data as 6000.
Average value: Displays the average value of all indicators of the statistical items in the selected dimension filtered data within that time period. For example: When displaying statistical data by Host dimension, the data contains 5 Host data, and in the statistical period corresponding to a column in the trend chart, there are 6000 requests, then the column displays data as 6000 / 5 = 1200.
Maximum value: Displays the maximum data item in the selected dimension split data within that time period.
99th percentile value: Displays the minimum value of the data items greater than 99% in the selected dimension split data within that time period, i.e., this value is greater than 99% of the other statistical item indicator values.
99.9th percentile value: Displays the minimum value of the data items greater than 99.9% in the selected dimension split data within that time period, i.e., this value is greater than 99.9% of the other statistical item indicator values.

6. Statistical indicators

You can choose to display the number of requests or the average request rate indicator to display the required statistical features (such as rate features or request number features).
Number of requests: Displays the total number of requests by the current statistical dimension, used to distinguish the characteristics of visitors with a large number of requests. For example: Analyzing by request Host dimension can distinguish the concentrated business domain names.
Average request rate: Calculates the average request rate by the current statistical dimension, used to distinguish the characteristics of visitors with high access frequency. For example: Analyzing by User-Agent header dimension can distinguish the device types with abnormal access frequency.

7. Statistical dimensions

Web security analysis provides the following analysis dimension categories, and you can adjust the statistical objects and grouping methods according to the selected dimensions:
Statistical dimensions classified by request attributes include:
Client IP: Counts the number of requests from different client IPs.
Client IP (XFF header priority): Counts the number of requests from different client IPs. If the client accesses through a Web proxy, the IP of the most recent hop in the XFF header will be counted.
User-Agent: Counts requests from different device types (distinguished by HTTP User-Agent header).
Request URL: Counts requests accessing different URLs (including access paths and query parameters).
Hostname: Counts requests accessing different domains (distinguished by HTTP header Hostname).
Request Referer: Counts requests accessing resources using different referencing methods (distinguished by HTTP Referer header).
Statistical dimensions classified by rule attributes include:
Category: Counts requests hitting different security modules (such as custom rules, managed rules, etc.).
Rule ID: Counts requests hitting different rules.
1. You can use the rule ID option in the rule classification to merge and display requests hitting all security protection rules.
2. You can also use the rule ID option in the specific security feature classification to view only the situation of hitting rules in that module. For example: Count requests by the rule ID of the Web Protection custom rules hit.
3. Different version plans support different statistical dimensions, please refer to the Comparison of EdgeOne Plans for details.
You can also choose other analysis options provided by the protection features, such as the hit field of managed rules, the bot label of bot intelligent analysis, etc., to perform statistical analysis.

8. Statistical trend chart

The statistical trend chart will display the corresponding aggregated data bar chart according to your trend display options and filter conditions.

9. Statistical details

Displays the request feature values of different dimensions and their corresponding indicators according to your statistical dimension and statistical indicator options. For example: When the number of requests indicator and User-Agent analysis dimension are selected, the statistical details section will display the number of requests for different client device types (User-Agent header values), displayed in descending order of the number of requests, and the request trends of each device type.

Analysis example

Scenario 1: Analyze the request trend of CC attack defense in the past 1 day

Scenario example

Suppose your site example.com finds a suspicious surge in access volume, hitting the CC attack defense rule. To analyze whether all requests hitting CC attack defense in the past 1 day are normal requests, you can follow the steps below for analysis.


1. Log in to the EdgeOne console, click on the site list in the left menu bar, click on the site to be configured in the site list, and enter the site details page.
2. In the site details page, click on Data Analysis > Security Protection, and enter the site security overview analysis page by default. Click on Web Security Analysis at the top.
3. Filter and view the domain name, time range, and aggregation conditions of the site to be analyzed. In this scenario, you can select the time range within the past 1 day.
4. In the statistical analysis, click on Web Protection-CC Attack Defense > Rule ID.

5. View the data results. As shown in the figure above, the number of requests triggered by intelligent client filtering is very high (Rule ID: 4294967293). You can click on the rule ID to add it to the filter. Then click on Request > User Agent in the left statistical dimensions to view the summary information of all User Agent headers hitting the rule. You can judge whether the User Agent value meets your normal client expectations. You can also continue to add other statistical dimensions in the statistical dimensions, such as Client IP and Request URL, to further narrow down the filter range.

Scenario 2: Analyze whether there are abnormal requests in suspicious bot requests within the last 1 day

Scenario Example

Suppose your site example.com has recently been frequently visited by suspicious bots, and you need to analyze whether all suspicious bot request accesses in the past 1 day are normal requests. You can refer to the following steps for analysis.


1. Log in to the EdgeOne console, click on the site list in the left menu bar, click on the site to be configured in the site list, and enter the site details page.
2. On the site details page, click Data Analysis > Security Protection, and enter the site security overview analysis page by default. Click Web Security Analysis at the top.
3. Filter and view the domain name, time range, and aggregation conditions of the site to be analyzed. In this scenario, you can select the time range within the past 1 day.
4. In the statistical analysis, click Bot Management-Bot Intelligent Analysis > Bot Tag.
5. Query the data results, and in the statistical details, you can see the request times of the corresponding bot tags. In this scenario, you can click Suspective Bot Requests > Add Equal Filter for further analysis. After adding the filter condition, you can also continue to add other statistical dimensions in the statistical dimension, such as User-Agent to further narrow the filter range.

6. Click Sample Log to switch to detailed sample log analysis. Click the arrow on the left side of each log to expand and view the detailed request header and hit rules situation to determine whether the request is a normal request.