Edge Function Execution Fee (Pay-As-You-Go)

For the official billing time of edge function execution fees, please refer to [Tencent Cloud EdgeOne] Announcement on Edge Function Billing Adjustment.
Edge Functions provide a serverless code execution environment on EdgeOne edge nodes. You only need to write your business function code and set trigger rules, without configuring and managing servers or other infrastructure, to run your code elastically and securely on edge nodes close to users. Edge Functions are supported in all EdgeOne packages, each with a certain limit of edge function executions. Exceeding the limit will result in postpaid bills in two dimensions: Edge Function Request Count and Edge Function CPU Time.
Edge Function Request Count: Refers to the total number of external HTTP/HTTPS requests handled by the edge function.
Edge Function CPU Time: Refers to the CPU time consumed by the edge function script to execute code logic (in milliseconds), excluding the time spent waiting for I/O.

Edge Function Quotas Included In Different Packages

Each package includes a certain amount of edge function quotas after purchase, and the quotas for different packages are as follows:
Billing Item
Edge function request count (times)
3 million
20 million
50 million
Edge Function CPU Time (ms)
3 million
20 million
50 million
1. The period for edge function quotas is the same as the update cycle of packages:
Trial version packages cannot be renewed, and quotas will not be issued once exhausted.
Personal/Basic/Standard Package Cycle: Valid from day T to day T of the following month. After the package is renewed, the limit is reissued.
Enterprise edition package cycle: Corresponding quotas are reissued on the 1st of each month.
2. The remaining quota of the edge function is not cumulative to the next month, and the usage quota is reissued every month.
3. If a package upgrade occurs, the change in edge function quotas will be consistent with the quota usage change described in the package upgrade notes. For details, see Plan Upgrade Guide.

Edge Function Execution Fee

After the edge function quota of different package versions is exhausted, it will automatically switch to postpaid settlement. The settlement method and price of postpaid are as follows:
Billing Item
Trial/ Personal/ Basic/ Standard
Edge function request count (CNY/million times)
Edge Function CPU Time (CNY/million milliseconds)