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VAU Fee (Pay-as-You-Go)

EdgeOne value-added services are billed on Value-Added Service Usage Unit (VAU).


VAU price: 0.0143 USD
Scope of use: All EdgeOne value-added services except dedicated DDoS mitigation and edge functions (see the table below).

VAU Conversion

This table describes how to convert value-added service usage to VAUs:
Conversion rate
QUIC requests
QUIC requests made when the domain name uses HTTP/3 (QUIC).
0.5 VAU/10K requests
Smart acceleration requests
HTTP/HTTPS requests made when the domain name uses smart acceleration.
1 VAU/10K requests
Bot requests
HTTP/HTTPS requests made when the domain name uses smart acceleration.
1 VAU/10K requests
Real-time logs
1 VAU/1M log entries
Image processing requests
Requests made for image processing.
Free for a limited time
Rule quota
(Only for Enterprise plan)
Precise access control rule quotas
The precise access control rule quotas used in Web Protection > Custom Rules.
50 VAUs/rule/month
Rate limiting rule quotas
The rate limiting rule quotas used in Web Protection.
100 VAUs/rule/month
Access quota-based
(Only for Enterprise plan)
Site quota
Quota of sites included in a plan.
100 VAUs/site/month
Quota for L4 proxy instances in Chinese mainland and Global service areas
Quota of L4 proxyinstances purchased in a plan.
Contact us for the quotes
Quota of L4 proxy instances in Global (MLC excluded) service area
Free of charge
1. Number of VAUs = Usage of the service x Usage per VAU
2. VAU fees = Total VAUs x VAU unit price.