chat v1
This section interfaces with Baidu QianFan chat v1 interface${model}?access_token=${apiKey}. For details, please refer to:
Request URL
Request method
Request headers
Parameter name | Required | Type | Description |
OE-Key | Yes | string | Gateway API key |
OE-Gateway-Name | Yes | string | Gateway name |
OE-AI-Provider | Yes | string | AI service provider, fixed value: baidu |
OE-Gateway-Version | Yes | string | Gateway version, fixed value: 2 |
Api-Version | Yes | string | API version, fixed value: v1 |
Action | Yes | string | Fixed value: chat |
Access-Token | Yes | string | Authentication Key of LLM Service Provider |
Content-Type | Yes | string | Fixed value: application/json |
Request body
Parameter name | Required | Type | Description |
model | Yes | string | Model Name |
messages | Yes | array | Message list, each message includes role and content |
stream | Yes | boolean | Enable stream processing |
Request Body Example
{"model": "completions_pro","messages": [{"role": "user","content": "1+1=?"}]"stream": true}
Sample response
The response format is JSON, and the specific content depends on the actual API return result.
Sample code for curl request
curl --location --request POST '' \--header 'OE-Key: xxxx' \--header 'OE-Gateway-Name: xxxx' \--header 'OE-AI-Provider: baidu' \--header 'OE-Gateway-Version: 2' \--header 'Access-Token: xxxx' \--header 'Api-Version: v1' \--header 'Action: completions' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data-raw '{"model":"completions_pro","messages": [{"role": "user","content": "1+1=?"}]"stream":true}'
1. Please ensure all required parameters are correctly filled out.
2. Adjust the
and Action
headers as needed based on actual conditions.3. The
array in the request body can contain multiple Message Objects, depending on business v2
This connects to Baidu QianFan chat v2 interface, please refer to: for details.
Request URL
Request method
Request headers
Parameter name | Required | Type | Description |
OE-Key | Yes | string | Gateway API key |
OE-Gateway-Name | Yes | string | Gateway name |
OE-AI-Provider | Yes | string | AI service provider, fixed value: baidu |
OE-Gateway-Version | Yes | string | Gateway version, fixed value: 2 |
Api-Version | Yes | string | API version, fixed value: v2 |
Authorization | Yes | string | Authentication Key of LLM Service Provider |
Content-Type | Yes | string | Fixed value: application/json |
Request body
Parameter name | Required | Type | Description |
model | Yes | string | Model Name |
messages | Yes | array | Message list, each message includes role and content |
stream | Yes | boolean | Enable stream processing |
Request Body Example
{"model": "completions_pro","messages": [{"role": "user","content": "1+1=?"}]"stream": true}
Sample response
The response format is JSON, and the specific content depends on the actual API return result.
Sample code for curl request
curl --location --request POST '' \--header 'OE-Key: xxxx' \--header 'OE-Gateway-Name: xxxx' \--header 'OE-AI-Provider: baidu' \--header 'OE-Gateway-Version: 2' \--header 'Api-Version: v2' \--header 'Authorization: xxxx' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data-raw '{"model":"completions_pro","messages": [{"role": "user","content": "1+1=?"}]"stream":true}'
1. Please ensure all required parameters are correctly filled out.
2. Adjust the
header based on actual conditions.3. The
array in the request body can contain multiple Message Objects, depending on business needs.