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1. API Description

Domain name for API request: teo.tencentcloudapi.com.

This API is used to create Layer 4 proxy instance rules, supporting both individual and batch creation.

A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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2. Input Parameters

The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription
ActionYesStringCommon Params. The value used for this API: CreateL4ProxyRules.
VersionYesStringCommon Params. The value used for this API: 2022-09-01.
RegionNoStringCommon Params. This parameter is not required.
ZoneIdYesStringZone ID.
ProxyIdYesStringLayer 4 proxy instance ID.
L4ProxyRules.NYesArray of L4ProxyRuleList of forwarding rules. A single request supports up to 200 forwarding rules.
Note: When L4ProxyRule is used here, Protocol, PortRange, OriginType, OriginValue, and OriginPortRange are required fields; ClientIPPassThroughMode, SessionPersist, SessionPersistTime, and RuleTag are optional fields; do not fill in RuleId and Status.

3. Output Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
L4ProxyRuleIdsArray of StringIDs of newly added forwarding rules, returned as an array.
RequestIdStringThe unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.

4. Example

Example1 Creating a Layer 4 proxy forwarding rule

This example shows you how to create a forwarding rule in the instance with ProxyId 'sid-2qwk27xf7j9g' under the zone with ZoneId 'zone-24wjy25v1cwi'.

Input Example

Host: teo.tencentcloudapi.com
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: CreateL4ProxyRules
<Common Request Parameters>

    "ZoneId": "zone-24wjy25v1cwi",
    "ProxyId": "sid-2qwk27xf7j9g",
    "L4ProxyRules": [
            "Protocol": "TCP",
            "PortRange": [
            "OriginType": "IP_DOMAIN",
            "OriginValue": [
            "OriginPortRange": "90",
            "ClientIPPassThroughMode": "TOA",
            "SessionPersist": "on",
            "SessionPersistTime": 3600,
            "RuleTag": "test"

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "RequestId": "6f8h5358-df6d-4d2a-ac39-1706cbf8a707",
        "L4ProxyRuleIds": [

5. Developer Resources


TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

Command Line Interface

6. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Error CodeDescription
InvalidParameter.InvalidOriginIpThe origin cannot be a private IP or loopback address.
InvalidParameter.InvalidOriginValueThe origin server is incorrect or inexistent.
InvalidParameter.RulePortDuplicatingThe rule port already exists.
LimitExceeded.ProxyRulesLimitExceededThe number of rules imported has exceeded the limit.
OperationDeniedOperation denied.
OperationDenied.L4PortLackOfResourcesThe sale of Layer 4 port resources is booming and they have been sold out. We are urgently restocking. At present, it is not possible to add new Layer 4 proxies or rules, and we kindly ask for your patience.
ResourceNotFoundThe resource doesn’t exist.