  • Log Service
    • Overview
    • Real-time Logs
      • Real-time Logs Overview
      • Push to Tencent Cloud CLS
      • Push to AWS S3-Compatible COS
      • Push to HTTP Server
    • Offline Logs
    • Related References
      • Field description
        • L7 Access Logs
        • L4 Proxy Logs
      • Real-Time Log Push Filter Conditions
      • Custom Log Push Fields
  • Data Analysis
    • Overview
    • Traffic Analysis
    • Cache Analysis
    • Security Analysis
      • Site Security Overview
      • Web Security Analysis
    • L4 Proxy
    • DNS Resolution
    • Related References
      • How to use filter condition
      • How to Modify Query Time Range
      • How to Export Statistical Data and Reports

How to Export Statistical Data and Reports

This document describes how to export statistical data and reports from the EdgeOne data analysis page. The specific steps are as follows.

Exporting Statistical Data

1. Log in to the EdgeOne Console and enter any Data Analysis page.
2. Click

to download the corresponding statistical data table. The file format is .csv and the filter conditions on the current page will be applied to the exported data.

Export Report

1. Log in to the EdgeOne Console and enter any Data Analysis page.
2. Click on the

located on the top-right corner of the filter bar. EdgeOne will then initiate the browser's print window where you may choose to print or save your report as a PDF. The filter conditions on the current page will be printed in your report at the same time.