  • History
  • Introduction
  • API Category
  • Making API Requests
    • Request Structure
    • Common Params
    • Signature v3
    • Signature
    • Responses
  • Site APIs
    • CreateZone
    • DescribeIdentifications
    • ModifyZone
    • DeleteZone
    • ModifyZoneStatus
    • CheckCnameStatus
    • IdentifyZone
    • DescribeZones
    • VerifyOwnership
  • Acceleration Domain Management APIs
    • CreateAccelerationDomain
    • DescribeAccelerationDomains
    • ModifyAccelerationDomain
    • ModifyAccelerationDomainStatuses
    • DeleteAccelerationDomains
    • CreateSharedCNAME
    • BindSharedCNAME
    • DeleteSharedCNAME
  • Site Acceleration Configuration APIs
    • CreateRule
    • DeleteRules
    • DescribeHostsSetting
    • DescribeRules
    • DescribeRulesSetting
    • DescribeZoneSetting
    • ModifyRule
    • ModifyZoneSetting
  • Alias Domain APIs
    • CreateAliasDomain
    • DescribeAliasDomains
    • ModifyAliasDomain
    • ModifyAliasDomainStatus
    • DeleteAliasDomain
  • Security Configuration APIs
    • CreateSecurityIPGroup
    • DescribeSecurityIPGroup
    • ModifySecurityIPGroup
    • DeleteSecurityIPGroup
    • DescribeOriginProtection
    • DescribeSecurityTemplateBindings
    • ModifySecurityPolicy
    • BindSecurityTemplateToEntity
    • DescribeSecurityIPGroupInfo
  • Layer 4 Application Proxy APIs
    • CreateL4Proxy
    • ModifyL4Proxy
    • ModifyL4ProxyStatus
    • DescribeL4Proxy
    • DeleteL4Proxy
    • CreateL4ProxyRules
    • ModifyL4ProxyRules
    • ModifyL4ProxyRulesStatus
    • DescribeL4ProxyRules
    • DeleteL4ProxyRules
    • CreateApplicationProxy
    • ModifyApplicationProxy
    • ModifyApplicationProxyStatus
    • DescribeApplicationProxies
    • DeleteApplicationProxy
    • CreateApplicationProxyRule
    • ModifyApplicationProxyRule
    • ModifyApplicationProxyRuleStatus
    • DeleteApplicationProxyRule
  • Content Management APIs
    • CreatePurgeTask
    • DescribePurgeTasks
    • CreatePrefetchTask
    • DescribePrefetchTasks
    • DescribeContentQuota
  • Data Analysis APIs
    • DescribeDDoSAttackData
    • DescribeDDoSAttackEvent
    • DescribeDDoSAttackTopData
    • DescribeOverviewL7Data
    • DescribeTimingL4Data
    • DescribeTimingL7AnalysisData
    • DescribeTopL7AnalysisData
    • DescribeTimingL7CacheData
    • DescribeTopL7CacheData
  • Log Service APIs
    • DownloadL7Logs
    • DownloadL4Logs
    • CreateCLSIndex
    • CreateRealtimeLogDeliveryTask
    • ModifyRealtimeLogDeliveryTask
    • DeleteRealtimeLogDeliveryTask
    • DescribeRealtimeLogDeliveryTasks
  • Billing APIs
    • CreatePlan
    • UpgradePlan
    • RenewPlan
    • ModifyPlan
    • IncreasePlanQuota
    • DestroyPlan
    • CreatePlanForZone
    • BindZoneToPlan
    • DescribeBillingData
    • DescribeAvailablePlans
  • Certificate APIs
    • DescribeDefaultCertificates
    • ModifyHostsCertificate
  • Load Balancing APIs
    • CreateOriginGroup
    • ModifyOriginGroup
    • DeleteOriginGroup
    • DescribeOriginGroup
  • Custom Response Page APIs
    • CreateCustomizeErrorPage
    • DescribeCustomErrorPages
    • ModifyCustomErrorPage
    • DeleteCustomErrorPage
  • Diagnostic Tool APIs
    • DescribeIPRegion
  • Version Management APIs
    • CreateConfigGroupVersion
    • DeployConfigGroupVersion
    • DescribeConfigGroupVersionDetail
    • DescribeConfigGroupVersions
    • DescribeDeployHistory
    • DescribeEnvironments
  • Data Types
  • Error Codes


1. API Description

Domain name for API request: teo.tencentcloudapi.com.

This API is used to query bindings of a policy template.

A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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2. Input Parameters

The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription
ActionYesStringCommon Params. The value used for this API: DescribeSecurityTemplateBindings.
VersionYesStringCommon Params. The value used for this API: 2022-09-01.
RegionNoStringCommon Params. This parameter is not required.
ZoneIdYesStringID of the site to query
TemplateId.NYesArray of StringID of the policy template to query.

3. Output Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
SecurityTemplateArray of SecurityTemplateBindingBindings of the specified policy template.

When a domain name of a site is bound with the specified policy template, TemplateScope includes the ZoneId of the related site and the bindings of the domain name.

Note: If the template is not bound with any domain name, and there is not any existing binding, TemplateScope=0 is returned.

In the binding list, the same domain name may appear repeatedly in the EntityStatus list with different Status. For example, when a domain name is being bound to another policy template, it's marked both online and pending.
RequestIdStringThe unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.

4. Example

Example1 Querying bindings of a policy template

This API returns all bindings of a policy template.

  1. Status=online: The binding is taking effect.
  2. Status=pending: The binding is establishing.
    Note: A domain name may appear multiple times in the bindings list with different status.

In this example, we query the bindings of the policy template temp-fjsoelx under the site example.com (site ID: zone-fdsjkfsda).

Note: The output contains completed and on-going bindings. The policy template is applied to these two domain names. abc.example.com is bound to the policy template specified by the request, and the policy runs normally. The binding status is online. xyz.example.com is being bound to another policy template. The new binding is not yet completed, and the current policy template is still valid. So it appears in both the online and pending list.

Input Example

Host: teo.tencentcloudapi.com
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: DescribeSecurityTemplateBindings
<Common request parameters>

    "ZoneId": "zone-fdsjjkfsda",
    "TemplateId": [

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "SecurityTemplate": [
                "TemplateId": "temp-fjsoelx",
                "TemplateScope": [
                        "ZoneId": "zone-fdsjjkfsda",
                        "EntityStatus": [
                                "Entity": "abc.example.com",
                                "Status": "online",
                                "Message": ""
                                "Entity": "xyz.example.com",
                                "Status": "online",
                                "Message": ""
                                "Entity": "xyz.example.com",
                                "Status": "pending",
                                "Message": ""
        "RequestId": "17d437bc-13a9-49bb-a6ac"

5. Developer Resources


TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

Command Line Interface

6. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Error CodeDescription
InternalError.ProxyServerAn unknown error occurred in the backend server.
UnauthorizedOperation.CamUnauthorizedCAM is not authorized.
UnauthorizedOperation.NoPermissionThe sub-account is not authorized for the operation. Please get permissions first.
UnauthorizedOperation.UnknownAn unknown error occurred in the backend server.