Edge Acceleration
  • Site Acceleration
    • Overview
    • Access Control
      • Token Authentication
    • File Optimization
      • Smart Compression
    • Network Optimization
      • HTTP/2
      • HTTP/3(QUIC)
        • Overview
        • Enable HTTP/3
        • QUIC SDK
          • SDK Overview
          • SDK Download and Integration
          • Sample Code
            • Android
            • iOS
          • API Documentation
            • Android
            • iOS
      • IPv6 Access
      • Maximum Upload Size
      • WebSocket
      • Client IP Geolocation Header
      • Client IP Geographical Location
      • gRPC
    • URL Rewrite
      • Access URL Redirection
      • Origin-Pull URL Rewrite
    • Modifying Header
      • Modifying HTTP Response Headers
      • Modifying HTTP Request Headers
    • Custom Error Page
    • Request and Response Actions
      • Processing order
      • Default HTTP Headers of Origin-Pull Requests
      • Default HTTP Response Headers
  • Smart Acceleration
  • L4 Proxy
    • Overview
    • Creating an L4 Proxy Instance
    • Modifying an L4 Proxy Instance
    • Disabling or Deleting an L4 Proxy Instance
    • Batch Configuring Forwarding Rules
    • Obtaining Real Client IPs
      • Obtaining Real TCP Client IPs via TOA
      • Obtaining Real Client IPs Through Protocol V1/V2
        • Overview
        • Method 1: Obtaining Real Client IPs Through Nginx
        • Method 2: Parsing Real Client IPs on Application Server
        • Format of Real Client IPs Obtained Through Proxy Protocol V1/V2
      • Transmitting Client Real IP via SPP Protocol
  • Edge DNS
    • Hosting DNS Records
      • Modifying DNS Servers
      • Configuring DNS Records
      • Advanced DNS Configuration
    • Domain Connection
      • Adding A Domain Name for Acceleration
      • Ownership Verification
      • Modifying CNAME Records
    • Domain alias
      • Overview
      • Configuration Guide
      • Batch Connecting SaaS Domain Names
      • Configuring Alias Domain Names for Disaster Recovery
    • Traffic Scheduling
      • Traffic Scheduling Management
    • Origin Configuration
      • Load Balancing
        • Overview
        • Quickly Create Load Balancers
        • Health Check Policies
        • Viewing the Health Status of Origin Server
        • Related References
          • Load Balancing-Related Concepts
          • Introduction to Request Retry Strategy
      • Origin Group Configuration
      • Origin-pull configuration
        • Configuring Origin-Pull HTTPS
        • Host Header Rewrite
        • Controlling Origin-pull Requests
        • Redirect Following During Origin-Pull
        • HTTP/2 Origin-Pull
        • Range GETs
      • Related References
        • ld Version Origin Group Compatible Related Issues
        • VOD Origin Server Details
      • Collect EdgeOne origin-pull node IP
  • Edge Cache
    • Overview
    • EdgeOne Cache Rules
      • Content Cache Rules
      • Cache Key Introduction
      • Vary Feature
    • Cache Configuration
      • Custom Cache Key
      • Node Cache TTL
      • Status Code Cache TTL
      • Browser Cache TTL
      • Offline Caching
      • Cache Prefresh
    • Clear and Preheat Cach
      • Cache Purge
      • URL Pre-Warming
    • How to improve the Cache Hit Rate of EdgeOne
  • Rules Engine
    • Overview
    • Supported Matching Types and Actions
    • Rule Management
    • variables
  • Image Processing

IPv6 Access

Function Introduction

EdgeOne supports one-click enable of IPv6 access, allowing IPv6 clients to access nodes using the IPv6 protocol.
Currently, the majority of EdgeOne nodes support IPv6 access. You can contact us to confirm the specific resource coverage.

Usage Scenarios

IPv6-only network environment: Some regions and organizations may already be using IPv6-only network environments, and devices in these network environments may not be able to directly access IPv4-based services. By enabling IPv6 access, you can ensure that these clients can normally access your accelerated resources.
Dual-stack network environment: For dual-stack network environments that support both IPv4 and IPv6, clients can automatically select whether to use IPv4 or IPv6 protocol to access accelerated resources based on network conditions. In some cases, IPv6 connections may be faster than IPv4, so enabling IPv6 access can help improve the access performance of these clients.
Future network compatibility: As IPv4 address resources gradually become exhausted, more and more networks and devices will adopt IPv6. By enabling IPv6 access, you can ensure that your acceleration service remains compatible with these emerging networks and devices in the future.
Policy and compliance requirements: Some regions or industries may require IPv6 support in services to meet policy or compliance requirements. In this case, enabling IPv6 access can help you meet these requirements.


1. Log in to the EdgeOne console, click on the site list in the left menu bar, click on the site to be configured in the site list, and enter the site details page.
2. On the site details page, click on Security Acceleration > Network Optimization to enter the network optimization details page.
3. Find the IPv6 access configuration card, click on globally enable to enable IPv6 access for all domains of the site.