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  • 测速工具
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  • Terraform
    • Terraform 简介
    • 安装和配置 Terraform
    • 通过 Terraform 配置站点加速
    • 通过 Terraform 配置规则引擎
  • IP 归属查询

通过 Terraform 配置站点加速


腾讯云边缘安全加速平台(TencentCloud EdgeOne,下文简称为 EdgeOne)已经接入 Terraform,可以通过 Terraform 来实现快速配置。本文介绍如何使用 Terraform 来配置站点加速。站点加速相关配置的说明,详情请参见 操作指南


1. 已完成 Terraform 的安装与配置,操作步骤请参见 安装和配置 Terraform
2. 已通过 Terraform 接入了站点,操作步骤请参见 通过 Terraform 创建站点


1. 修改 Terraform 配置文件,添加站点加速配置的资源定义。 您可以在 Terraform Provider 文档页面上查看 站点加速配置 的参数定义。以下为示例配置文件 tencent_teo.tf 的内容:
terraform {
required_providers {
tencentcloud = {
source = "tencentcloudstack/tencentcloud"
version = ">= 1.78.5"
provider "tencentcloud" {
secret_id = "<your-secret-id>"
secret_key = "<your-secret-key>"
region = "ap-guangzhou"
resource "tencentcloud_teo_zone" "example" {
zone_name = "example.com"
plan_type = "ent"
tags = {
"createdBy" = "terraform"
resource "tencentcloud_teo_zone_setting" "example" {
zone_id = tencentcloud_teo_zone.example.id
# 缓存规则配置
cache {
follow_origin {
switch = "on" # 遵循源站
# 缓存键配置
cache_key {
full_url_cache = "off" # 不开启全路径缓存
ignore_case = "on" # 忽略大小写
query_string {
switch = "on"
action = "includeCustom" # 仅使用指定的 URL 参数
value = ["param0", "param1"]
# 域名 https 加速配置
https {
ocsp_stapling = "on" # OCSP 配置开启
tls_version = ["TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.3"] # 支持的 TLS 协议版本
# 智能压缩配置
compression {
switch = "on"
algorithms = ["brotli", "gzip"]
# 回源时携带客户端IP所属地域信息
client_ip_header {
switch = "on"
header_name = "EO-Client-IPCountry"
2. 执行terraform plan命令预览配置,可以校验配置是否正确。
PS tf-doc> terraform.exe plan
tencentcloud_teo_zone.example: Refreshing state... [id=zone-2ag9gej58j36]
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
+ create
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# tencentcloud_teo_zone_setting.example will be created
+ resource "tencentcloud_teo_zone_setting" "example" {
+ area = (known after apply)
+ id = (known after apply)
+ zone_id = "zone-2ag9gej58j36"
+ cache {
+ cache {
+ cache_time = (known after apply)
+ ignore_cache_control = (known after apply)
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ follow_origin {
+ switch = "on"
+ no_cache {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ cache_key {
+ full_url_cache = "off"
+ ignore_case = "on"
+ query_string {
+ action = "includeCustom"
+ switch = "on"
+ value = [
+ "param0",
+ "param1",
+ cache_prefresh {
+ percent = (known after apply)
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ client_ip_header {
+ header_name = "EO-Client-IPCountry"
+ switch = "on"
+ compression {
+ algorithms = [
+ "brotli",
+ "gzip",
+ switch = "on"
+ force_redirect {
+ redirect_status_code = (known after apply)
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ https {
+ ocsp_stapling = "on"
+ tls_version = [
+ "TLSv1.2",
+ "TLSv1.3",
+ ipv6 {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ max_age {
+ follow_origin = (known after apply)
+ max_age_time = (known after apply)
+ offline_cache {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ origin {
+ backup_origins = (known after apply)
+ cos_private_access = (known after apply)
+ origin_pull_protocol = (known after apply)
+ origins = (known after apply)
+ post_max_size {
+ max_size = (known after apply)
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ quic {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ smart_routing {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ upstream_http2 {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ web_socket {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ timeout = (known after apply)
Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Note: You didn't use the -out option to save this plan, so Terraform can't guarantee to take exactly these actions if you run "terraform apply" now.
3. 执行terraform apply创建站点加速配置。 执行 apply 命令后 Terraform 会让您再次确认将要执行的动作。在确认无误后输入yes二次确认,然后等待命令执行完成。
PS tf-doc> terraform.exe apply
tencentcloud_teo_zone.example: Refreshing state... [id=zone-2ag9gej58j36]
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
+ create
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# tencentcloud_teo_zone_setting.example will be created
+ resource "tencentcloud_teo_zone_setting" "example" {
+ area = (known after apply)
+ id = (known after apply)
+ zone_id = "zone-2ag9gej58j36"
+ cache {
+ cache {
+ cache_time = (known after apply)
+ ignore_cache_control = (known after apply)
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ follow_origin {
+ switch = "on"
+ no_cache {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ cache_key {
+ full_url_cache = "off"
+ ignore_case = "on"
+ query_string {
+ action = "includeCustom"
+ switch = "on"
+ value = [
+ "param0",
+ "param1",
+ cache_prefresh {
+ percent = (known after apply)
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ client_ip_header {
+ header_name = "EO-Client-IPCountry"
+ switch = "on"
+ compression {
+ algorithms = [
+ "brotli",
+ "gzip",
+ switch = "on"
+ force_redirect {
+ redirect_status_code = (known after apply)
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ https {
+ ocsp_stapling = "on"
+ tls_version = [
+ "TLSv1.2",
+ "TLSv1.3",
+ ipv6 {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ max_age {
+ follow_origin = (known after apply)
+ max_age_time = (known after apply)
+ offline_cache {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ origin {
+ backup_origins = (known after apply)
+ cos_private_access = (known after apply)
+ origin_pull_protocol = (known after apply)
+ origins = (known after apply)
+ post_max_size {
+ max_size = (known after apply)
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ quic {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ smart_routing {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ upstream_http2 {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ web_socket {
+ switch = (known after apply)
+ timeout = (known after apply)
Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
Enter a value: yes
tencentcloud_teo_zone_setting.example: Creating...
tencentcloud_teo_zone_setting.example: Creation complete after 1s [id=zone-2ag9gej58j36]
Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
4. 检查命令执行结果。 您可以通过terraform show命令检查站点加速配置是否生效,也可以登录 边缘安全加速平台控制台 来确认。
PS tf-doc> terraform state show tencentcloud_teo_zone_setting.example
# tencentcloud_teo_zone_setting.example:
resource "tencentcloud_teo_zone_setting" "example" {
area = "overseas"
id = "zone-2ag9gej58j36"
zone_id = "zone-2ag9gej58j36"
cache {
follow_origin {
switch = "on"
no_cache {
switch = "off"
cache_key {
full_url_cache = "off"
ignore_case = "on"
query_string {
action = "includeCustom"
switch = "on"
value = [
cache_prefresh {
percent = 90
switch = "off"
client_ip_header {
header_name = "EO-Client-IPCountry"
switch = "on"
compression {
algorithms = [
switch = "on"
force_redirect {
redirect_status_code = 302
switch = "off"
https {
http2 = "on"
ocsp_stapling = "on"
tls_version = [
hsts {
include_sub_domains = "off"
max_age = 0
preload = "off"
switch = "off"
ipv6 {
switch = "off"
max_age {
follow_origin = "on"
max_age_time = 600
offline_cache {
switch = "on"
origin {
backup_origins = []
origin_pull_protocol = "follow"
origins = []
post_max_size {
max_size = 524288000
switch = "on"
quic {
switch = "off"
smart_routing {
switch = "off"
upstream_http2 {
switch = "off"
web_socket {
switch = "off"
timeout = 30