This article will show you how to quickly roll back to a previous version.
1. This feature only supports sites linked to Standard and Enterprise Edition packages.
2. This capability is currently available on an allowlist basis. To use it, please contact us.
Suppose you encounter some unknown issues after releasing Version 1 in the production environment, you need to quickly roll back to the previous stable version, Version 0.
Operation Steps
1. Access the TencentCloud EdgeOne console, locate the left-hand menu, and select the Site List. Within this listing, click on the site requiring configuration to enter its detailed page.
2. On the site details page, click Version Management in the left navigation.
3. On the production environment page, click View All Version History.
4. On the production environment version change history page, find the release record corresponding to Version 0, and click Rollback to this Node.
5. You can view the differences between the current version and the version to be rolled back on the comparison page. Confirm whether the changes in the configuration meet your expectations. If everything is correct, click Next.
6. You need to fill in the change description, limited to 100 characters. After completing the entry, click Confirm Rollback.
7. Rollback is equivalent to quickly republishing the original version. A new release record will be generated in the environment change history, indicating that the configuration has been rolled back to Version 0 upon successful release.