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Data and Log FAQs

The monitoring data I see in Tencent Cloud Observability Platform and EdgeOne are not the same.

Data trends on Tencent Cloud Observability Platform and EdgeOne are generally consistent. However when it comes to the 1-minute granularity, the data can be slightly different. See below for details:

Tencent Cloud Observability Platform: Collect data from edge servers and aggregate the data with 1-minute granularity on the domain name level. This can guarantee the timeliness and stability. But it only provides data related to key metrics on the domain name level.
EdgeOne: Collect and analyze logs in real-time upon receiving the request, and then print out the result. It supports more metrics, such as traffic and requests by the device type and browser type. But the print-out time can be affected in case of request surges.

Assume that a user requests a 1 GB file. The download starts at 10:00:00 and ends at 10:01:40.

Tencent Cloud Observability Platform: Every edge server reports the metric data at a 1-minute interval. Data of this event is recorded at both 10:01 and 10:02.
EdgeOne: Every edge server prints a log when the download ends (10:01:40). The data is recorded at 10:01.

Therefore, data from Tencent Cloud Observability Platform and EdgeOne can differ at a 1-minute granularity due to the difference of sampling rules.

Why can't some log topics in the Tencent Cloud Log Service (CLS) console be seen in the Tencent Cloud EdgeOne console?

This is because the Tencent Cloud EdgeOne console only supports and displays log information created with the EdgeOne Service role, that is, the real-time logging service dedicated to Tencent Cloud EdgeOne. Other log sets and log topics will not be synced.

Why can't real-time logs be retrieved, and data loss occurs?

It may be because your log volume is large, but the log topic is single partitioned or auto-split is turned off. When creating a log topic, the default partition quantity is 1, and auto-split is enabled by default.
It is suggested that you estimate the required partition quantity based on your log volume and configure it in the advanced options of the log topic in the Log Service (CLS). For more details, please refer to the topic partition.