  • Billing Overview
  • 14-Day Trial Plan Benefits Description
  • Basic Service Fees
    • Plan Fees
    • Fees for Out-of-plan Resource Usage (Pay-as-You-Go)
  • Value-added Service Fees
    • VAU Fee (Pay-as-You-Go)
    • Dedicated DDoS Mitigation Fee (Pay-as-You-Go)
    • Cross-MLC-border acceleration traffic fee(Pay-as-You-Go)
  • Related Tencent Cloud Services
  • Extra Package Description (Prepaid)
  • Subscriptions
    • Purchase Guide
    • Extra Package Purchase Guide
  • Renewals
    • Renewal Guide
    • Extra Package Auto-renewed Guide
  • Overdue and Expiration Policies
  • Refund Policy
  • Usage Cap Policy
  • EdgeOne Plan Upgrade Guide
  • Comparison of EdgeOne Plans
  • Billing Usage
  • About "clean traffic" billing instructions

Extra Package Auto-renewed Guide

Extra Package Renewal

EdgeOne extra packages support auto-renewal. When the auto-renewal function is enabled, it means that the extra package will be automatically renewed when it is used up or expires. When your account balance is sufficient, the system will automatically purchase a new extra package with the same specs and validity period as the original extra package according to the auto-renewal rules.

Auto-renewal rules

1. Extra packages with auto-renewal enabled will enjoy a 5% discount on the price for the first purchase and auto-renewal;
2. The specs and validity period of the extra package purchased through auto-renewal will be consistent with the original extra package set for auto-renewal;
3. If the account balance is insufficient and the extra package renewal fails, the auto-renewal status of the extra package will be changed to off, and the usage that cannot be deducted by the extra package will be billed according to the postpaid tiered pricing in each region. For details, please view the Fees for Out-of-plan Resource Usage (Pay-as-You-Go).
4. Only one extra package of the same type can be set for auto-renewal. If the setting is repeated, it will replace the original setting. For example, if the 100 GB security acceleration traffic package has already enabled auto-renewal, and you set the 500 GB security acceleration traffic package, it will directly overwrite the previous setting. The same applies to security acceleration request packages.
5. After the auto-renewal of the extra package is enabled, the same specs and validity period of the extra package will be automatically renewed after it is used upNote 1or expiresNote 2.

Note 1:
If the renewal is triggered by the extra package being used up, it will be judged whether there are other available extra packages in the current account. If there are, the other available extra packages will continue to be consumed until all available extra packages are used up, and then the same specs and validity period of the extra package will be renewed. If there are none, the renewal will be done directly.

Note 2:
If the renewal is triggered by the expiration of the extra package, the same specs and validity period of the extra package will be automatically renewed after the usage settlement is completed within the corresponding settlement cycle of the expiration time. For example, if it expires at 11:20 on July 30, 2023, the renewal operation will be executed after the usage settlement is completed between 11:00 and 12:00.

Auto-renewal operation

You can enable auto-renewal through Tencent Cloud EdgeOne console > Extra Package Management. Please refer to the following document for detailed steps:
1. On the Extra Package Management page, select the extra package that needs to be auto-renewed, and click the auto-renewal status button, as shown in the figure below:

2. In the auto-renewal window, confirm the information of the extra package to be renewed, and click auto-renewal.

3. If there is already a Type data package with automatic renewed setting, click continue in the pop-up reconfirm window after confirming correctly.