  • Billing Overview
  • 14-Day Trial Plan Benefits Description
  • Basic Service Fees
    • Plan Fees
    • Fees for Out-of-plan Resource Usage (Pay-as-You-Go)
  • Value-added Service Fees
    • VAU Fee (Pay-as-You-Go)
    • Dedicated DDoS Mitigation Fee (Pay-as-You-Go)
    • Cross-MLC-border acceleration traffic fee(Pay-as-You-Go)
  • Related Tencent Cloud Services
  • Extra Package Description (Prepaid)
  • Subscriptions
    • Purchase Guide
    • Extra Package Purchase Guide
  • Renewals
    • Renewal Guide
    • Extra Package Auto-renewed Guide
  • Overdue and Expiration Policies
  • Refund Policy
  • Usage Cap Policy
  • EdgeOne Plan Upgrade Guide
  • Comparison of EdgeOne Plans
  • Billing Usage
  • About "clean traffic" billing instructions

Extra Package Purchase Guide

EdgeOne Extra packages are divided into Security acceleration traffic packages and Security acceleration request packages, which can be used to offset the extra fees outside the plan. Compared to the post-paid method, the unit price of EdgeOne Extra packages is more favorable. You can purchase suitable Extra packages based on your actual business consumption. For an introduction to Extra packages, please refer to Extra Package Introduction (Prepaid).


1. Before purchasing an Extra package, you need to sign up a Tencent Cloud account.
2. Before purchasing an Extra package, please make sure you have purchased an EdgeOne Plan. After purchasing the Plan, the Extra package can be effective.

Purchase method

1. Log in to the EdgeOne console, click on "Purchase Extra Package" on the Extra Package Management page to enter the EdgeOne Extra Package purchase page.

2. Select the Type, Validity period, specs, and quantity of the Extra package, and check the Automatic renewal on demand. (If the Automatic renewal of a certain specs package has been enabled under the current account, you cannot enable the Automatic renewal of the same Type of Extra package on the purchase page)
3. Check the box to agree to the Service Level Agreement, and click "Buy Now".

4. You will be redirected to the order payment confirmation page. If you have a cash voucher, you can check the box to use it, and then click "submit order".
5. After submitting the order, select the corresponding payment method to complete the payment.