Authenticating a Request Header
This example demonstrates how to use an edge function to perform simple permission control by verifying the value of the
request header. If the value is token-123456, access is allowed. Otherwise, access is denied.Sample Code
async function handleRequest(request) {const token = request.headers.get('x-custom-token');if (token === 'token-123456') {return new Response('hello world');}// Incorrect key supplied. Reject the request.return new Response('Sorry, you have supplied an invalid token.', {status: 403,});}addEventListener('fetch', event => {event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request));});
Sample Preview
In the address bar of the browser, enter a URL that matches a trigger rule of the edge function to preview the effect of the sample code.
If authentication fails, access is denied.
If authentication is successful, access is allowed.