  • History
  • Introduction
  • API Category
  • Making API Requests
    • Request Structure
    • Common Params
    • Signature v3
    • Signature
    • Responses
  • Site APIs
    • CreateZone
    • DescribeIdentifications
    • ModifyZone
    • DeleteZone
    • ModifyZoneStatus
    • CheckCnameStatus
    • IdentifyZone
    • DescribeZones
    • VerifyOwnership
  • Acceleration Domain Management APIs
    • CreateAccelerationDomain
    • DescribeAccelerationDomains
    • ModifyAccelerationDomain
    • ModifyAccelerationDomainStatuses
    • DeleteAccelerationDomains
    • CreateSharedCNAME
    • BindSharedCNAME
    • DeleteSharedCNAME
  • Site Acceleration Configuration APIs
    • CreateRule
    • DeleteRules
    • DescribeHostsSetting
    • DescribeRules
    • DescribeRulesSetting
    • DescribeZoneSetting
    • ModifyRule
    • ModifyZoneSetting
  • Alias Domain APIs
    • CreateAliasDomain
    • DescribeAliasDomains
    • ModifyAliasDomain
    • ModifyAliasDomainStatus
    • DeleteAliasDomain
  • Security Configuration APIs
    • CreateSecurityIPGroup
    • DescribeSecurityIPGroup
    • ModifySecurityIPGroup
    • DeleteSecurityIPGroup
    • DescribeOriginProtection
    • DescribeSecurityTemplateBindings
    • ModifySecurityPolicy
    • BindSecurityTemplateToEntity
    • DescribeSecurityIPGroupInfo
  • Layer 4 Application Proxy APIs
    • CreateL4Proxy
    • ModifyL4Proxy
    • ModifyL4ProxyStatus
    • DescribeL4Proxy
    • DeleteL4Proxy
    • CreateL4ProxyRules
    • ModifyL4ProxyRules
    • ModifyL4ProxyRulesStatus
    • DescribeL4ProxyRules
    • DeleteL4ProxyRules
    • CreateApplicationProxy
    • ModifyApplicationProxy
    • ModifyApplicationProxyStatus
    • DescribeApplicationProxies
    • DeleteApplicationProxy
    • CreateApplicationProxyRule
    • ModifyApplicationProxyRule
    • ModifyApplicationProxyRuleStatus
    • DeleteApplicationProxyRule
  • Content Management APIs
    • CreatePurgeTask
    • DescribePurgeTasks
    • CreatePrefetchTask
    • DescribePrefetchTasks
    • DescribeContentQuota
  • Data Analysis APIs
    • DescribeDDoSAttackData
    • DescribeDDoSAttackEvent
    • DescribeDDoSAttackTopData
    • DescribeOverviewL7Data
    • DescribeTimingL4Data
    • DescribeTimingL7AnalysisData
    • DescribeTopL7AnalysisData
    • DescribeTimingL7CacheData
    • DescribeTopL7CacheData
  • Log Service APIs
    • DownloadL7Logs
    • DownloadL4Logs
    • CreateCLSIndex
    • CreateRealtimeLogDeliveryTask
    • ModifyRealtimeLogDeliveryTask
    • DeleteRealtimeLogDeliveryTask
    • DescribeRealtimeLogDeliveryTasks
  • Billing APIs
    • CreatePlan
    • UpgradePlan
    • RenewPlan
    • ModifyPlan
    • IncreasePlanQuota
    • DestroyPlan
    • CreatePlanForZone
    • BindZoneToPlan
    • DescribeBillingData
    • DescribeAvailablePlans
  • Certificate APIs
    • DescribeDefaultCertificates
    • ModifyHostsCertificate
  • Load Balancing APIs
    • CreateOriginGroup
    • ModifyOriginGroup
    • DeleteOriginGroup
    • DescribeOriginGroup
  • Custom Response Page APIs
    • CreateCustomizeErrorPage
    • DescribeCustomErrorPages
    • ModifyCustomErrorPage
    • DeleteCustomErrorPage
  • Diagnostic Tool APIs
    • DescribeIPRegion
  • Version Management APIs
    • CreateConfigGroupVersion
    • DeployConfigGroupVersion
    • DescribeConfigGroupVersionDetail
    • DescribeConfigGroupVersions
    • DescribeDeployHistory
    • DescribeEnvironments
  • Data Types
  • Error Codes


Response for Successful Requests

For example, when calling CAM API (version: 2017-03-12) to view the status of instances (DescribeInstancesStatus), if the request has succeeded, you may see the response as shown below:

    "Response": {
        "TotalCount": 0,
        "InstanceStatusSet": [],
        "RequestId": "b5b41468-520d-4192-b42f-595cc34b6c1c"
  • The API will return Response, which contains RequestId, as long as it processes the request. It does not matter if the request is successful or not.
  • RequestId is the unique ID of an API request. Contact us with this ID when an exception occurs.
  • Except for the fixed fields, all fields are action-specified. For the definitions of action-specified fields, see the corresponding API documentation. In this example, TotalCount and InstanceStatusSet are the fields specified by the API DescribeInstancesStatus. 0 TotalCount means that the requester owns 0 CVM instance so the InstanceStatusSet is empty.

Response for Failed Requests

If the request has failed, you may see the response as shown below:

    "Response": {
        "Error": {
            "Code": "AuthFailure.SignatureFailure",
            "Message": "The provided credentials could not be validated. Please ensure your signature is correct."
        "RequestId": "ed93f3cb-f35e-473f-b9f3-0d451b8b79c6"
  • The presence of the Error field indicates that the request has failed. A response for a failed request will include Error, Code and Message fields.
  • Code is the code of the error that helps you identify the cause and solution. There are two types of error codes so you may find the code in either common error codes or API-specified error codes.
  • Message explains the cause of the error. Note that the returned messages are subject to service updates. The information the messages provide may not be up-to-date and should not be the only source of reference.
  • RequestId is the unique ID of an API request. Contact us with this ID when an exception occurs.

Common Error Codes

If there is an Error field in the response, it means that the API call failed. The Code field in Error indicates the error code. The following table lists the common error codes that all actions can return.

Error CodeDescription
AuthFailure.InvalidSecretIdInvalid key (not a TencentCloud API key type).
AuthFailure.MFAFailureMFA failed.
AuthFailure.SecretIdNotFoundThe key does not exist.
AuthFailure.SignatureExpireSignature expired.
AuthFailure.SignatureFailureSignature error.
AuthFailure.TokenFailureToken error.
AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperationThe request does not have CAM authorization.
DryRunOperationDryRun Operation. It means that the request would have succeeded, but the DryRun parameter was used.
FailedOperationOperation failed.
InternalErrorInternal error.
InvalidActionThe API does not exist.
InvalidParameterIncorrect parameter.
InvalidParameterValueInvalid parameter value.
LimitExceededQuota limit exceeded.
MissingParameterA parameter is missing.
NoSuchVersionThe API version does not exist.
RequestLimitExceededThe number of requests exceeds the frequency limit.
ResourceInUseResource is in use.
ResourceInsufficientInsufficient resource.
ResourceNotFoundThe resource does not exist.
ResourceUnavailableResource is unavailable.
UnauthorizedOperationUnauthorized operation.
UnknownParameterUnknown parameter.
UnsupportedOperationUnsupported operation.
UnsupportedProtocolHTTPS request method error. Only GET and POST requests are supported.
UnsupportedRegionAPI does not support the requested region.