Naming a Downloaded File
In this example, the modification of the Content-Disposition in the response headers achieves the modification of the downloaded file name according to the
parameter in the request URL. addEventListener('fetch', event => {event.passThroughOnException();event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request));});async function handleRequest(request) {const url = new URL(request.url);const fileName = url.searchParams.get('fileName');const response = await fetch(request);// Evaluate the response status code and the search parameterif (response.status !== 200 || !fileName) {return response;}// Modify the Content-Disposition response headerresponse.headers.append('Content-Disposition', `attachment; filename="${fileName}"`);return response;}
Sample Preview
Enter a URL (such as
) that matches the trigger rule of edge function in the address bar of the browser on both the PC and mobile terminal to preview the example effect.