Edge Developer Platform
  • Pages
    • Product Introduction
    • Quick Start
    • Framework Guide
    • Project Guide
      • Project Management
      • edgeone.json
      • Error Codes
    • Build Guide
    • Deployment Guide
    • Domain Management
    • Pages Functions
    • KV Storage
    • EdgeOne CLI
    • FAQs
    • Contact Us
    • Release Notes
    • Migration Guides
      • Migrating from Vercel to EdgeOne Pages
      • Migrating from Cloudflare Pages to EdgeOne Pages
      • Migrating from Netlify to EdgeOne Pages
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Project Management

In the EdgeOne Pages development environment, project management is the key link to ensure efficient development and smooth deployment. This chapter will detail how to manage Pages projects to help you fully utilize the platform's features.
Projects on Pages represent applications deployed to the platform from a single Git repository. Each project can have multiple deployments: one production deployment and multiple preview deployments.

Project List

In the project list, you can view an overview of all projects. Each project displays the following information:
Repository Information (lower left corner): Displays the current Git repository bound to the project, the latest deployment branch, and commit information.
Project Status (lower right corner):
Running: The project is running normally.
To Deploy: The item is currently undergoing the initial deployment.
Disabled: The item has been banned for violating platform rules.
Unlink: The item cannot be linked due to the deletion or unbinding of the Git repository.

Additionally, you can quickly access recent deployments, project settings, and redeploy actions from the project list.

Create a project

Refer to the following steps to create a project:
1. Click the "Create Project" button at the top left corner of the project list page.
2. Import an existing GitHub repository, or choose from the templates provided by the platform.
3. Configure project settings, including project name, build and output settings, and environment variables.

For detailed steps, please refer to the Quick Start section.

Deleting a project

To delete a project, follow these steps:
1. Select the specific project you want to delete, and switch to the "Project Settings" page.
2. Find the "Delete Project" section at the bottom of the page, and click the "Delete Project" button.

3. In the pop-up dialog, enter the project name to confirm the deletion, then click the "OK" button.
Please proceed with caution, as deleted projects cannot be recovered.

Project Settings

On the Project Settings Page, you can configure the following:

Project name

The project name is only used as an identifier and does not affect the project access domain.

Domain name customization

You can add custom domains for each item. Since item domains are typically used for development and testing, we strongly recommend configuring custom domains for items to improve accessibility.

For more information, please see Domain Management.

Git Management

You can designate a branch as the production branch. Deployments triggered by this branch will be treated as production environments, distinct from preview environments of other branches.

Build Deployment Configuration

Through Build Deployment Configuration, you can specify how Pages should build your item.

For more information, please see Build Guide.