  • エッジ画像レンダリング
    • 製品紹介
    • クイックスタート
    • 開発ガイド
      • 概要
      • 署名付き URL
      • APIで生成
    • 公開API
      • 概要
      • API 概要
      • インターフェース一覧
        • アカウント認証
        • テンプレート一覧の取得
        • テンプレート例を見る
        • 画像の署名の取得
    • 一般的な問題


This document will guide you on how to quickly get started with using EdgeOne Edge Image Rendering Service to create personalized images.


You have signed up for a Tencent Cloud account.
Log in to the EdgeOne Console.
When logging into the console for the first time, you need to click Open Edge Application.

After completing the above preparations, you can start using Edge Image Rendering.

Step 1: Create a template

Go to the homepage and click Create from Template Gallery or Create Blank Template.

Step 2: Import the template

If you select Create from Template Gallery, it will take you to the Template Gallery page. Choose an appropriate image template and click Import Template to automatically create a template copy.

Step 3: Edit the template

1. After entering the template editing page, you can adjust the image content structure and enhance its style by writing HTML and CSS code. Pre-installed fonts can also be used within the application.
Writing code requires a certain level of web development knowledge.

2. The variables set in HTML can be replaced in the Data section to dynamically modify the image.

3. In the Settings section, you can view current Template ID, User ID, API Key, and other information. You can also modify the width and height of the image container and some template information.

Step 4. Use the Image

In the API section, you can choose to use the image via Signed URL Access or API Invocation. For details, please refer to the Overview.
The API key is used to generate encrypted links and API calls, and it is used to identify the uniqueness of the account. Please keep your API key secure to prevent leakage.